Michael and I played an 1850 point game today that was a lot of fun. We played the Relic Mission and Dawn of War deployment. Michael had first turn and hid everything behind ruins (which with his Warlod trait gave him 3+ saves) and infiltrated the genestealers. I put my Land Raider center and flanked it with predators with all my marines hiding behind.
First turn we had a bit of wait and see as neither of us wanted to be stuck in the center giving the other player easy charge lanes. We both moved up a little and positioned. I did kill a couple hormaguants with the Vindicator, but FNP genestealers from pyschic powers and also 5+ invuls prevented too much damage on the first turn.
Second turn both mawlocs deepstruck, destroyed the Vindicator and killed a couple marines. His Tyrant dropped down to try and bust the land raider. He did pen, but only managed to shake it. My turn I unload everything in the mawlocs behind my line and manage with the charge to kill both. I also brought the Tyrant down to 1 wound and charged the hormagaunts that were approaching the relic with the death company. 50 re-roll to hit and wound attacks later they were gone. I also flamed and assaulted the genestealers on my flank Though FNP saved them big time. In the end we both killed about half our units there.
My warlord had possession of the Relic (thanks to his Warlord trait making him Scoring, but the unit had a Trygon on one side and 12 Genestealers on the other. The 10 death company were wiped out, but the Reclusiarch in a challenge with the Brood lord stayed up thanks to his invul save. They were finished off by the Trygon but managed to thin a couple out on their way.
The rest of the game was a big scrum in the middle. I still had a few shooting vehicles with nothing interesting to shoot, and I poored all my infantry into the middle to try and keep his troops from picking up the relic. In the end all my troops were wiped out, he had 3 genestealers left on a flank, too far away to get the relic, but giving him linebreaker. We both killed each others warlords, but he had first blood. So the Tyranids won 3-2. The game was a blast and really close. We each had fun moments and it was a particularly bloody match. One of the best games we've played together and we both had a lot of fun.
10x Death Company
1x Land Raider Crusader
10x Assault Marines (PF, Plasma guns)
10x Assault Marines (PS, Flamers)
5x Sanguinary Guard with banner
1x Priest with Jump Pack
1x Vindicator
1x Predator w/ HB
1x Baal Predator w/ Flamestorm
3x Bikes with plasma guns
Hive Tyrant w/ Wings and Lash Whip
12x Genestealers Broodlord and Toxin Sacs
12x Genestealers Broodlord and Toxin Sacs
20x Hormagaunts w/ Toxin Sacs and Adrenal Glands
3x Hive Guard
1x Zoanthrope
1x Zoanthrope
1x Mawloc
1x Mawloc
1x Trygon Prime
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